Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hot Seen In Mera Naam Jookar

My third. . .


Thank you very much, Melanie

and many thanks, Mokind

are associated with this award, the following rules:

thank the person who gave you the award and link them to your post. Tell us 7 things about you. Give the award to 15 recently discovered a new blogger. Contact these bloggers and let them know that they have received the award.
Seven things about me:
first Ally McBeal Fan

second addictive substance (but who among you is not)

third According to my husband, I'm addicted blogger - who me? Not me * cough *

4th When I get to read - I read mostly alternating between two books

5th I have masses of Ebooks - I have absolutely had to - printed but not even half over. (This is my new list: All Ebooks made at least once to have and which this year) 6

Can I phone for hours with my best friend


7th I love the potato salad and cabbage rolls from my mom :-))

And these blogs I have this time See by (all others do not be sad):

Pedi (Hoppetutz)

Veronika (Honey)

Eva (Eulalila butter Klee)

Nicole (Ben's mom blogging now)

Michaela (Teuto-elves)

Martina (Luusmeitlifashion)

Sandy (Kruemelz)

Mokindmama (Mokinds)

Melanie (Luemmaisa)

Martina (Line Lustig)

wife Shiva (miss shiva)

Nancy (dana lucas design)

Anneliese (Kitzkatz)

Yve (Zauberhaftes by Yve)

Daniela (Suri-genre-Design)



Edit: Sorry, I when over the first post the "old" deleted - thus two comments - here again new * grumble *


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