Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Alicia Rhodes Descargar

report before last away game - who comes along is not a fool

Alé her Bagaluten,

lately it has become a little quiet around our wild bunch but now burns the hut soon! This Sunday, 20th May 2007 travels, allegedly a wild horde Ultra Bagaluten gene Thuringia! If it can run well on Sunday, perhaps as soon as the climb to celebrate - but we would rather not speculate first! I am firmly convinced that you are Allé here - 14 tickets are already bought and given - but there are still enough afraid cards in Erfurt, not you, and comes with!! Tickets cost 10 €, train ride will be about 8 € per person! meeting is like the old days on the way to Arminia Hannover on Sunday at 5:30 clock at the main station in front of the DB Travel Center in the lobby! There are then bought the train tickets! So pack the tubers and tidy what a breakfast, as we have on the one hour of Hunderwasserbahnhof!

your music and singing Minister

ps. I need only look at the pictures from days gone by :-) Nuremberg


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