From the hash space to the "jewel"
After the renovated Baggi, said Thursday the next new-old tenant, the cinemas Raschplatz with graffiti, Fairbanks, Hollywood and the Colosseum has celebrated its reopening. Since Friday the gaming operation is in a renovated building from the ground portion of the building 5 Surprising Place again with an enlarged foyer.
Picture: Plan of the cinema Raschplatz, Source:
Cinema is for the casino, which occupies three levels (-1 to 1) of the 6000 m² second largest tenant in the new "RP 5".
Other tenants are the Police with a branch under the large staircase in front of Baggi and MäcGeiz shop at the cinema on the square in the Rasch-1 level.
The former because of the burgeoning drug scene in this place called hash space Raschplatz has its first renovation since well almost 30 years behind and, according to Mayor Stephan Weil a "real gem".
Although the architecture to be desired in some places leaves something
, you can still speak of a significant appreciation of the urban space.
It is primarily from the "example" of the place will depend on whether the space behind the railway become a popular location.
For most local residents, the emphasis on evening or night events (casino, Baggi, Studio 6, Cinemaxx and cinemas Raschplatz) or they are not a public attraction like the planned police office or they invite MäcGeiz ...
on the site of the planned book shop I would have to think of a good restaurant that offers outdoor dining in summer.
The problem begins to take shape, is that the place offers very little during the day offers. You have to wait
that might trigger the planned restructuring of the bank in the 1 level for other accents for the new place.