Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wierd Disease Dr House

Angebissen ...

... our gingerbread house. How it was for him

And two jobs are finished. A Windeltäschli and a pimped hedgehog sweater. (I hope the things you like Claudia.) I was not so with the hedgehog legs sure ... Or better off without? They might even cut back ... But I like the diaper Täsch great. The retro fabric I find apple and a Pizza Place:) I know self praise - but I think it's great to be happy on my own stuff:) And if others also good news the better.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Babies Walking Clinic , Toronto

Angel Bakery

The baking continues:)

For "relaxation" Yesterday I sewed a few nursing pillow covers. Since coming to .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Paty Cake Online Forum

Yesterday, the children have discovered in a bakery a gingerbread house. Today we have our own "built" * grin *

Well, the reaction was pretty much free ... And do not ask just looked like the kitchen after a huge amount of * main thing is we had our fun!